The Finest Breeds
Our Livestock
Over the last ten years, Nick Roberts of Heckingham Hall has built up strong herds of livestock, including Blonde d’Aquitaine Cattle, Red Poll Cattle & Sheep.
For more information and livestock sale information please visit our livestock pages or get in touch.
Blonde D’Acquitaine
High Quality Cattle
Cattle are chosen for conformation to pedigree standards, temperament, size, and growth rates. Our bulls make ideal terminal sires, and heifers and cows are also available. All livestock are signet recorded.
Red Poll
High Quality Cattle
Native to Norfolk and Suffolk, Red Poll has evolved as a dual purpose breed of cattle producing both milk and beef. We have a herd of Red Poll Cattle which spend the majority of the year on our ESA grazing marshes.
Meat & Stock
We produce continental cross lambs out of North Country Mules. We use high index texel rams. We lamb outdoors and turn the ewe and lambs away to ESA marsh grass. Our lambs are all naturally fed.