The weather is very kind to us farmers this winter with no snow as yet!     All the cattle are looking well and munching through our winter stocks of fodder at a gallop!   The new herd of Red Poll cattle are all scanned in calf and are duly looking pregnant  to our new resident bull “Louis”.    Blonde cows are still out daily eating stubble turnip,  also looking heavily in calf to Blackwater Alfie.

Our texel x Store lambs are on turnips and doing very well.  Should be some very good fat lambs for March.  Ewes have spent the winter so far on the carrot field cleaning up on the aftermath.  Now they have moved onto turnips.   The scanning was amazing and according to the scan man we hold the record this year for the highest scanning percentage  of lambs to ewes.  We even have 2 sets of quads due!   Well done to the boys (rams).